Picture: Courtesy of The Godown
Ivor Davies and Ren Jie
(Wales - China)
Picture: Courtesy of The Godown
Ivor Davies, Ren Jie and Chris Gylnn
Four videos under the title 'Chromatopia' (Aug-Sept 20201), conceived to run concurrently on separate screens. With their differing durations the videos will synchronise in a variety of patterns, rather like a musical quartet.
Ivor Davies and Ren Jie's extended conversation for 'Open Books' has explored the colours red and blue in various manufactured states, using pigments from many countries. Early in the exchange, Ivor shaved off his hair, dyed it blue and sent it by post to Miss Ren in Shanghai. Ren Jie responded by weaving Ivor's hair into her own textile pieces. Ivor's book includes handwritten commentaries in Welsh concerning each pigment, touching upon diverse histories and tales about colour.
Ivor collaborated with animator-musician Chris Glynn to make time-based digital interpretations of the book, the conversation and the materials. Chris introduced musical elements to the visual texture and worked with Ivor to weave in calligraphic digital drawings.
Over the 8 week long project, each partnership participated in answering weekly interview questions about how the project was going and how their relationships were developing.
Week 1: Connecting and Authenticity
Is collaboration a common practice for you?
Ivor Davies
Yes, from 1977 until a few years ago from time to time I collaborated.
Ren Jie
I rarely work in collaboration.
If any, what type of collaborations have you engaged in the past? Was it with a fellow artist or perhaps a social initiative?
Ivor Davies
In August 1977 I saw Paul Davies at the National Eisteddfod perform. He and his brother Peter, who is still alive, formed a movement to use Welsh language and subjects. They would post unfinished work to each other from a distance. I joined them, equally far from each and we continued to send 'blanks' from one to the other.
Ren Jie
Back in 2009 or 2010, I was involved in a relay creation, which was initiated by an artist on an online platform. He sent a small piece of his work to another artist, who used it as a material to create a piece and then sent it to the next one to create it again, passing on a total of a dozen creators, some of whom were artists and some of whom were not.
Week 2: Time
Can you sense the difference in you and your partner's time zones? If so, what has your experience been working with the difference?
Ivor Davies
I have no sense of time in that way. I just obey the rules of the clock, but space. Yes! Talking to the other side of the world which is neither flat nor round. We have a moon in common which is much nearer recently, and, looks bigger.
You can't miss it though sometimes I search for it like a lunatic.
Picture: Courtesy of The Godown
Ren Jie
Mr. Davies的时区与我相差7小时,但是我没有感受到特别强烈的时差,可能因为我的作息时间偏晚一点,正好与他的时间相对应。
There is a 7 hour time difference between me and Mr. Davies, but I don't have a particularly strong feel about this, probably because I'm a little bit later-worker, which tends to correspond to his time.
Whilst waiting for the call, what typically happens? Do you get nervous and is there a set routine?
Ivor Davies
Yes, I feel nervous. Partly because I am technically inept . Also, protocol for fear of getting carried away with bright ideas.
Ren Jie
What made me nervous is my very limited English. In fact, we use a series of key words to communicate, and I think I was able to understand what he meant, but I felt a bit sorry that I couldn't talk in depth. There were certainly no pre-determined questions or routes to take, and the benefits were obvious, as some random and interesting things were happening in our communication. And our starting point for this collaboration was also related to the timing.
“I think your work is wonderful, and what I like about it is that we’re still on the borders of combining them.”
Week 3: Space
How have you begun to realise the project in your physical space?
Ivor Davies
Yes. I am planning the idea of colour and of hair, measuring and contemplating the practical problems: obtrusion of objects; gluing and fixing; postage; anticipating a visual duet for each of the exhibitions.
As I understand it, one exhibition will have an actual physical work by each of the 14 participants.
The other show will have a joint technological creation by each pair. Departure from rules/advice may be anticipated.
Ren Jie
My partner and I plan to use a number of physical materials, including hair, pigment, paper, thread, etc., that have a lot in common culturally and emotionally and are not limited by space. But in reality, they have to cross great distances to meet our hands and to reach for the unknown forms.
Week 4: Connecting & Safety
How has the experience of connecting to a stranger digitally been?
Ivor Davies
Connecting with a stranger is very exciting in this event and I particularly like working with such a well chosen partner.
A few years ago I organised a long performance with 12 people who had never met one another and with no audience to worry about. It succeeded and was filmed. Many ideas and possibilities and impossibilities come to mind.
Ren Jie
The distance between me and my partner probably comes more from language than virtual media. But I think our ideas about art have made us connected again.
How did you ensure that your collaborator was safe and felt safe?
Ivor Davies
Our collaboration feels safe because we are far away and may take risks.
The longest hair at the back of my brainbox I posted today.
She is a fine artist and may weave it. That would be a wonderful start. I shampooed it in time for the event. I shall dye the remainder bright blue tomorrow ready for the meeting on Thursday.
Ren Jie
When it comes to safety, all I can think about right now is staying away from COVID-19!
Week 5: Connecting & Authenticity
Has this project been an authentic and sincere experience?
Ivor Davies
Yes. Because it is an escape from the regular problems of what and where art should go.
It is a release despite its limitations. More fearless.
Ren Jie
Collaborations with others may help us discover truths that have previously been overlooked.
What do you make of this project at this current time?
Ivor Davies
I have too many ideas. I shall have to keep many aside for another book.
Much of my decision will depend on the interesting vision of Ren Jie.
Picture: Courtesy of The Godown
Week 6: Old Vs. New Norms
How have you been defining and ensuring your ‘privacy’ within this collaboration?
Ivor Davies
I have been doing the opposite, discarding privacy in my consulting about technology.
Should my adviser, who is an artist, be described as such. Morally, I think he should because he has given me ideas and made videos.
He will have become a fellow visionary, a fellow producer. I think he could be called all three. I should write this to Ren Jie. Her work is very impressive and I value her greatly as my partner Open Books Online.
Ren Jie
In artistic creation, privacy is a difficult concept to define, and I want it to be in an open state.
Week 7: Escaping/Making
Has the book-making process been a means to escape?
Ivor Davies
Yes! Escape from art conventions.
Permanently unsettled, a move to new ways of thinking, perhaps concertina narrative, isolated symbols at.
Ren Jie
I don't think it's about escape. It's about waiting. Waiting is a meaningful part of the process.
How has this experience affected your practice?
Ivor Davies
You suggested we could discuss privacy. Some languages don't have it. Do you think of privacy in relation to intellectual property, risk of taking ideas, copyright, correct attribution?
My ideas, are they even now being picked up? I think we all often experience it.
I have nearly finished the physical open book, it is largely reddish, but the virtual piece, deeply blue in most parts, is being worked on by a friend who is a visionary artist- technologist-animator.
We have no secrets.
Ren Jie
For artists who focus on physical materials, physical distance is still a huge barrier. We touch them with our hands and eyes and react to them. And it reminds everyone of the importance of material things in this digital world.
Week 8: Changes
If any, what expectations did you have for this collaboration? Did you emulate it? Was it achieved?
Ren Jie
The goal of this collaborative project is beyond my understanding and makes me rethink the relationship between physical objects and virtual digital objects. Book as a carrier, how does it realize the synergy of these two aspects? So far, I'm still on my way to achieving it.
BUKA BUKU is in collaboration with The Godown, supported by Arts Council of Wales and MyCreative Ventures
BUKA BUKU is designed by Linghao Architects and Untitled (Tey Khang Siang)
With special thanks to Chris Bird-Jones and Ling Hao
Open Books Online webpages created by Lienne Loy
Content compiled and produced by Lienne Loy and Nurin Yusof